Healthcare Data Analyst Portfolio Project | Learn the Skills to Land a Healthcare Analyst Job
This is a real-life situation in which someone asked my advice when preparing for an interview for an upcoming health analytics role:
“For my Panel Interview, I have to prepare a presentation on a complete data analysis project that I have done.
I have recently transitioned to this field, and I feel I do not have strong projects to showcase, also I have very basic knowledge of R and Python.
Also, I have to present it in front of 4 panel members including the director and senior director as well, which is making me more nervous.”
Do you feel like you could ace this interview? I know when I was just starting out I don’t think I would have felt prepared enough to ace this interview, this is because I was unable to find data analytics projects with a clinical perspective.
In my previous newsletters, I have focused on the common skills requested by job descriptions for the healthcare analyst role
Many people have completed graduate degrees in Health Informatics or have the necessary clinical experience but they are not able to obtain a role as a healthcare analyst because they lack the technical skills.
They don’t have experience working with a data visualization tool or don’t have experience writing SQL queries and therefore, they are not able to communicate data insights confidently, much less showcase their skills in front of senior managers during the interview stage.
Many people have 1/4 of the above common requested skills but are missing 3/4 of these skills.
With the launch of my course: Learn the Skills to Get Your First Role as a Healthcare Analyst (Get 10% off the course using discount code 10OFF until Friday, February 23rd!).
I will be teaching you how to write basic SQL queries and will also be providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to use Power BI. This will all be wrapped up in a healthcare data analyst portfolio project where you will gain the skills to communicate the data insights you have obtained as a result of this course.
✨ Go through the first module of the course for free here ✨
Land your next role as a healthcare analyst by completing the course: Learn the Skills to Get Your First Role as a Healthcare Analyst (Get 10% off the course using discount code 10OFF)