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Health Analytic Insights Podcast
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Biomedical Engineering

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Biomedical Engineering

The other day I was reflecting on the thought that this year will be a decade, since I began my undergraduate degree. I have completed both my undergrad and master’s degree in biomedical engineering and during that time I have learned some valuable lessons. Disclaimer: this advice is based on my own experience graduating and entering the job market. Looking back, I want to go over 5 things that I wish I knew before majoring in biomedical engineering.

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Welcome to the Health Analytic Insights Podcast. This podcast is ALL about creating a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about the field of health informatics. I hope to share information and advice in topics such as health analytics, digital health, biomedical engineering and data visualization in healthcare and in exchange I would love to hear from you DEAR listener about your experience and interest in this field, you can drop me a line at Sign up to the newsletter and get your FREE guide to starting your career in health informatics here.  

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this podcast are my own and do not reflect those of people, organizations or institutions that I might be associated with in a professional capacity, unless explicitly stated. The views expressed by the guests on this show are their own and may or may not reflect those of people, organizations or institutions that I might be associated with in a professional capacity, unless explicitly stated.

Health Analytic Insights Substack
Health Analytic Insights Podcast
This podcast is focused on building a community of students and professionals who are interested and have experience in the field of health informatics, so we can all grow and learn from each other. With the health analytic insights podcast I hope to share information and advice in topics such as health informatics, digital health, biomedical engineering and data visualization in healthcare